Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Thinking cool thoughts...
We're trying desperately to stay somewhat cool around here in our nearly 100 degree temperatures...and so far it's not working too well, especially the last couple of days when I haven't had my car to go somewhere cool! Fortunately today Seth took us downtown so we could hang out at a coffee shop while he worked. Thank goodness for a/c! Now if we could just get it in our sweltering apartment, we'd be in good shape! =)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Baby Sling Update....
I used the sling a little bit with Benjamin while on our trip, and I really liked it for holding him on my hip. I tried it in the cradle hold once when Benjamin fell asleep, but he's too big and heavy to hold like that, even with the sling. I think it would be nice with a smaller baby, though.
Eight Months!
D.C. Pictures!
Benjamin and I got back from our trip to D.C. and West Virginia a few weeks ago, but with VBS at church, etc., we're only just now settling back into our normal routine.
I had been nervous about taking Benjamin on such a long trip, but fortunately, he did great! I was able to see some things I didn't see the last time I was there, which was cool, such as the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, Ford's Theatre, and the sight from the top of the Washington Monument. We had fun seeing the sights of D.C., and then our team did great in the national Bible Quizzing competition!

I had been nervous about taking Benjamin on such a long trip, but fortunately, he did great! I was able to see some things I didn't see the last time I was there, which was cool, such as the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, Ford's Theatre, and the sight from the top of the Washington Monument. We had fun seeing the sights of D.C., and then our team did great in the national Bible Quizzing competition!