Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Last Harvest

For the last several days, Seth and I have been trying to do some projects to keep ourselves busy, and one of my projects for Saturday was to clean out our garden. Our apartment complex has a small community garden area, so I was able to grow some things this year. I must say, it was a very easy way for us to have fresh, organic, and cheap produce. It only took me a few hours to dig up and plant the garden, and I only spent about 10 minutes a day watering it, and every minute I spent was well worth it! Unfortunately, the couple of strawberry plants I had only produced a couple of strawberries that animals got, the pumpkin plants died, and I never got any cucumbers, either. But, we got some beans and lots of lettuce and tomatoes, and I loved that it was so fresh! It was fun to go get some lettuce from the garden for a salad for dinner. Since we are required to clean everything out of the garden by November, that's what I did on Saturday. I dug up the strawberry plants and put them in a planter box, hoping that they'll make it through the winter. The rest of the stuff I just pulled out and tossed. I was surprised to find that I still had tomatoes growing. Most were green, but I picked them all, in the hopes that the green ones would ripen. I also found that the carrots I had planted were finally big enough to be picked! I had tried picking them a while ago, but they were still tiny. I'm not sure why they took so long to grow. I also found some more green beans that I picked. I ended up bringing home a whole bag full of stuff. I hadn't been out to the garden for a while, and wasn't expecting to find anything still growing, so it was a nice surprise. The green beans we had in our dinner yesterday. The tomatoes aren't ripening so far, but instead are starting to get spots on them, so I'm thinking that I won't get to use those. But we still have lots of carrots to use! Not bad when I hadn't expected to bring anything home at all!

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