Wednesday, November 14, 2007


We've had a busy week here so far, which isn't too unusual. This is the first evening we haven't had anything going on since last Wednesday. We spent the weekend celebrating Seth's birthday with our families, which was nice. I love birthdays, partly because I love all the traditions that go along with them. My family started some traditions when I was growing up that I've tried to continue, like serving the birthday person breakfast in bed, a birthday bag, which is kind of like a Christmas stocking, and a "cake topper" present, which is just a little present that is given when the cake is served. I'd like to be able to start some of my own traditions, too, but so far the only thing I've been able to think of is to make a special birthday candle that we've used since we've been married. It's one tradition of our own, and it also is a great money saver! I made the candle holder from a clean sparkling cider bottle, and just printed up a little "Happy Birthday" banner and taped it on the bottle. Then I just used a normal taper candle. This saves me from having to buy special birthday cake candles! It's kind of a fun way to recycle something that normally gets thrown away.

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