Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One of those days...

Today is one of those days that I am so glad is over. It did not start well and unfortunately did not get better. I didn't sleep well last night, so I wasn't really too happy to have to get up. The snow was still around, which I was glad for, except that on the roads it was sheer ice. I discovered that when I went outside to get in my car to go to work, and decided to walk instead since I really don't like driving in such conditions. I tried to mostly walk in the snow on the side of the sidewalk, to avoid the ice, but had to step on it at one point....and down I went. Didn't feel so good. Still hurts. I expect to have a nice bruise on my thigh. On top of that I have had a headache all day, and just really been out of sorts. I felt kind of bad for the kids in my class today - I really wasn't the most patient teacher. I made it through the day but did leave early from my quiz team practice, since my headache got a worse and I felt like I should get some sleep. So I'm off to bed....hoping tomorrow's a better day....

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