Saturday, March 8, 2008


I've done a fair amount of baking recently. I spent last Saturday evening making French bread dough, and some of it turned into French bread, while the rest of it became calzones and Pizza Roll-Ups. The French bread was gone fairly quickly, but I was able to put several meals worth of calzones and Pizza Roll-Ups in the freezer for later dinners. I also used some of the apple slices that I had in the freezer to make some apple crisp.

Recently I've been trying a few new recipes. One I tried was a pasta that had cottage cheese in it. Neither Seth or I like cottage cheese, but I decided to try it anyway. It turned out okay - not anything we'd eat all the time, but every once in a while it would be all right. Anyway, I had over half a container of cottage cheese left, and I didn't want to just throw it away. I looked for more recipes that contained cottage cheese, and in one of my cookbooks, I found one for cottage cheese muffins. I made a batch, and was happy to find them delicious! Seth loved them, too! I used up the rest of the cottage cheese making two more batches, some of which I stuck in the freezer. I love finding good new recipes!

French Bread (as you can see, we'd already started to enjoy this! =)

Pizza Roll-Ups

Apple Crisp

Cottage Cheese Muffins

Cottage Cheese Muffins (from Food For My Household)
1/3 cup sugar
3 Tbsp. margarine
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp. vanilla (the recipe actually didn't state how much vanilla to use, so I tried 1/2 tsp., which seemed to work fine)
1 3/4 cup Bisquick mix (I use homemade)
1/2 cup cottage cheese

Mix sugar and margarine; add egg, milk, and vanilla. Stir in Bisquick and add cottage cheese last. Do not overstir or muffins may have holes in them. Raisins may be added; if so, cut sugar in half. Bake 15 to 20 minutes in 375 degree oven. Makes 12.


  1. Stumbled in and just wanted to say hi. Those pizza rollups look delicious. Keep up the baking!

    I would like to invite you to leave a comment on my blog. At my blog I ask people to tell me about their day in seven words or less. Just leave me a comment with your seven words, you can do it anonymously. If you'd rather not, then have a nice day.

  2. All of that baking looks so good! Good job Annaleah!

    Love ya,

  3. Your French bread looks so delicious. But those pizza rolls really look yummilious. Would it be possible for you to share the recipe/how to for the pizza rolls. Thanks in advance.

    Shalom, Paula
