Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Shower of Blessings!

We were so blessed by our church this weekend as they put on a baby shower for me, and everyone was so thoughtful and generous in their gifts! We received so many wonderful gifts! We are so thankful for such a caring church family!
We received all kinds of things - blankets, clothes, bibs, socks, burp cloths, baby care items, diapers & wipes, wash cloths, towels, books, and toys. We now have almost everything we need for the baby.
Here's a glimpse at some of the many lovely things we received:

A darling antique rocking chair - the perfect size for our apartment!

A bathtub and adorable baby bathrobe!

Beautiful handmade gifts

Cute clothes!

Books and toys

Cute diaper bag!

We've been having fun organizing all this great stuff!

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