Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I've been rearranging my daily schedule around to leave me time in the afternoon for a daily project time, each day working on something different. Mondays I have been trying to do some baking and/or cooking for the freezer. Tuesdays I have time for sewing or a craft project. Wednesday is my day to go to the library to use the internet, and I try to save errands for Thursdays. On Friday my goal is to be able to have free time to do something fun. As the weather continues to be nice, I hope to be able to use this time to go to the park or something like that. I'll be able to do more fun things on Fridays in the future when Benjamin is old enough to enjoy more things, but I'm trying to make it a habit now, so hopefully it will continue later.

I had originally had my project/errand time in the morning, but I've found that between having to get ready in the morning, Benjamin's eating times, and Seth's lunch break, I have more time in the afternoon. I'm hoping that by giving each day a specific project, I'll be more intentional in the things I do and thus be able to accomplish more!

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