Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April Goal Updates

I tried making onion powder a couple of weeks ago. I sliced onions and put them in the dehydrator. Once they were crispy, I smashed them up with the bottom of a cup. Unfortunately, I couldn't get powder, just flakes. I've used them in a couple of soups, which has worked well. I might have to try to experiment a little more with this.

This week I still have to make the English Muffins and deodorant. I tried making the English Muffins last week, but I think my yeast was no good, as they didn't rise. So I'll be trying them again!

I have used my crock pot quite a few times this month, which has been nice. I tried several new recipes, but I will probably only make one or two of them again. The crock pot lasagna turned out well, and the stroganoff was pretty good, so I'll probably add them to my recipe list!
I was also able to do several baking projects this month, so overall it has been pretty productive!

We'll see how the rest of my projects planned for this week turn out!

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