Tuesday, April 24, 2012

On the Line...

I've been loving the warm sunny days we've had lately, and even just the non-raining days, since they all allow me to dry some laundry the good old fashioned way!  There is something so satisfying about clean laundry hanging on the clothesline - I love bringing in the fresh-smelling dry clothes, and knowing they were dried for free!  =)  After a few days of using the line, I realized that taking several trips into the house to bring out a few more things to hang was just a bit impractical.  Fortunately, I thought to check our local thrift shop first and scored with a like-new laundry basket for just $5!

Not only does it make my laundry-hanging duties even easier, but somehow it is more fun to fold laundry out of a cute basket, than from a big pile on the couch.  Although by far my favorite way to see it is like this:

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