Sunday, June 9, 2013

A New Favorite: Homemade Sports Drink

We don't use sports drinks very often around here - I only buy them when we're sick.  The kids don't like them, however; last time they were sick I had to make Gatorade Popsicles to get them to have some. One look at those brightly colored bottles, though, and it's obvious that there is plenty of bad there along with the good.  So I was excited when I came across this recipe for a homemade sports drink.

Simple ingredients and easy to make - my favorite kind of recipe!  I tried it out and was pleased with the results!  It's a light, delicious, refreshing drink, and best of all, the kids loved it, too!  I can tell that it would taste good when sick, but we think it's good to drink anytime, especially on warm summer days! Since we rarely have juice, it's a nice change of pace from just plain water, and it's healthy!  I'm planning to keep the ingredients on hand this summer so we can whip some up anytime.

A couple of notes: I always make a double batch, since a single batch is barely enough for all of us to have just one glass (and then I use up the whole lemon!).  Also, we think it tastes best after it's sat in the fridge for several hours and the flavors have had a chance to combine fully.

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