Tuesday, October 28, 2014

End of Summer Camping Trip

We had one last hurrah of summer with a camping trip in the middle of September.  We joined Seth's parents in Eastern Washington for a couple of days - and we had a great time!  Thankfully, September is usually nice around here, so we had plenty of sunshine!

Unfortunately, we had our garage broken into just before our trip, and several of our camping supplies were taken, including my parents' tent, which we've always borrowed for camping.  Thankfully, we were able to find another similar (large!) tent.

We enjoyed an afternoon at a nearby mountain lake.  Benjamin and Joanna are always ready for water play - no matter how cold the water.

 Ezra - not so much.  He prefers to stay on shore.

Toby likes water, but it has to be at least somewhat warm!

Somehow blurry pictures seem to capture how everyone feels in morning while we're still trying to wake up!  I love the morning cuddles we enjoy while camping!  We don't do that very often in everyday life - everyone's ready to get started with the day.  I love the slow-down the happens when we're camping and away from our normal routine.  We always have a wonderful time camping, even with little kids!

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