Sunday, June 11, 2017

A few fun things...

1.  Ezra is 6!

We celebrated by having a fun Lego party with family, then he spent most of his actual birthday playing with all his presents!  We had orange chicken for dinner (a popular birthday request at our house!), and per our new tradition, he got to stay up late and and do something fun with Mom and Dad (he wanted to play Legos!).  It was a great weekend celebrating our special boy!

2. School is officially done for the summer!  Benjamin still has to do his testing, and we are going to be doing a few school-ish things over the summer, but the rest of our work is done and we're ready for some fun!

3. This vegan pancake recipe is my new favorite pancake recipe! I discovered it when I wasn't eating eggs (I can eat them again!), but I liked this recipe better than my old one.  Not only is it super frugal because there are no milk and eggs (especially when you have to use pricey alternative milks), but it's perfect for any time you have run out of either of those things.  But, they are really light and fluffy, even with whole wheat flour!  

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