Saturday, February 9, 2008

Interior Decorating

I received a copy of Edith Schaeffer's The Hidden Art of Homemaking for Christmas, and I have been (slowly but surely) making my way through it.  I have enjoyed all of her thoughts on the many different ways to make life more pleasant!  I thought this was a good quote, taken from the chapter on interior decorating....

"Interior not just one's artistic efforts, but is that which your home (even if it is just a room) is.  If you are 'decorating' with clothes draped on every chair, with scratched or broken furniture - it is still your interior decoration!  Your home expresses you to other people, and they cannot see or feel your daydreams of what you expect to make in that misty future, when all the circumstances are what you think they must be before you will find it worthwhile to start.  You have started, whether you recognize that fact or not.  We foolish mortals sometime live through years of not realizing how short life is, and that TODAY is our life."

A wonderful reminder to do what you can with what you have, today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Annaleah,
You are tagged! Come and see the details on my blog.
Love ya,